Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services

L.A. Care encourages members who want help with alcohol use or other substance use to get care.

Services for substance use are available from general care providers such as primary care, inpatient hospitals, and emergency departments and from specialty substance use service providers.
County Behavioral Health Plans often provide specialty services.

To learn more about treatment options for substance use disorders, you can visit the L.A. County Public Health Department's Substance Abuse Prevention and Control (SAPC) website or call 1-844-804-7500.

L.A. Care members can have an assessment to match them to the services that best fit their health needs and preferences. When medically necessary, available services include outpatient treatment, residential treatment, and medicines for substance use disorders (also called Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)) such as buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone.
The county provides substance use disorder services to Medi-Cal members who qualify for these services. Members who are identified for substance use disorder treatment services are referred to their county department for treatment.
For a list of all counties’ telephone numbers online, visit the California Department of Health Care Servicers (DHCS) website

L.A. Care will provide or arrange for MAT to be given in primary care, inpatient hospital, emergency department, and other medical settings.

Other substance use services may include, but not limited to:

  • Outpatient Treatment
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment
  • Case Management
  • Medications for Addiction Treatment
  • Withdrawal Management (Detox)
  • Residential Treatment
  • Recovery Support Services
  • Recovery Bridge Housing
  • Voluntary Inpatient Detoxification services if you meet the criteria

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