Fight the Flu Program

Protect Yourself and Loved Ones from the Flu

Get the flu shot to stay healthy and keep others safe. Some think the flu shot makes you sick, doesn't work, or that the flu isn't serious. These are myths! It's even more important to get the flu shot now because of COVID-19.

Watch the video in Spanish here

Who Needs the Flu Shot?

L.A. Care encourages all members to get vaccinated yearly. It's especially important for:

How to Get Your Flu Shot

It's easy and free for L.A. Care members. Call your doctor or visit a nearby pharmacy. Use our Pharmacy Finder to locate one. You can also get a free shot at community sites.

Other ways to Stay Healthy

  • Avoid sick people and stay home if you are sick.
  • Wash hands often or use hand sanitizer.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Wear a mask or stay home if you're sick. 

Why It Matters

Protecting ourselves reduces flu cases and hospital visits. It's even more important now because of the continued COVID-19 risk.

Take Action Now

Get your flu shot and encourage others to do the same. Stay healthy and help stop the flu!

Call L.A. Care's Health Education at 1-855-856-6943 (TTY 711) to learn more about the Fight the Flu Program.