L.A. Care Annual Board of Governors Retreat Includes Two Top Healthcare Speakers

L.A. Care Health Plan holds an off-site Board of Governors(BOG) retreat every year – a daylong, in depth session to review progress on the organization’s Strategic Plan, consider revisions and get perspective from outside experts. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s retreat will be a virtual event, but it will be no less exciting. Today’s speakers will include California’s first Surgeon General, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and former Vermont Governor and 2004 presidential candidate Dr. Howard Dean.

Dr. Burke Harris is an award-winning pediatrician who was appointed to her position in 2019, just two weeks after Governor Gavin Newsom took office. She is nationally recognized for raising awareness about the lifelong impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress on the physical and mental health of children. She has set a bold goal for her office – to cut adverse childhood experiences in half within one generation. Under her leadership, California implemented a screening tool and became the first state in the nation to reimburse health care providers for screening Medi-Cal patients for ACEs. She will share her efforts at the BOG retreat.

Dr. Howard Dean, a family practice physician, served as Governor of Vermont from 1991 to 2003. He served as Chairman of the Democratic Party from 2005 to 2009. He currently works as an independent consultant focusing on health care, early childhood development, alternative energy, and the expansion of grassroots politics around the world. Governor Dean, who spoke at the 2018 BOG retreat, is going to offer insights about the forthcoming Presidential election and the future of the Affordable Care Act.

The next Board of Governors meeting is set for Thursday, October 1.