Understanding My ID Card

Your Member ID Card contains important information. Below is an explanation of what you will find displayed on your Member ID Card.


Front of Card

L.A. Care Covered Member ID Card Front

L.A. Care Covered™: This logo indicates that you are enrolled in our L.A. Care Covered™ health insurance product.

Covered California: This logo indicates that the L.A. Care Covered™ health insurance product is part of Covered California. Covered California is California’s insurance marketplace offering Californians the opportunity to enroll in health coverage and receive premium assistance.

Effective Date: The date your health coverage begins.

Plan Level: Your plan level (eg: gold, silver, bronze, etc.) The Plan Level determines your premium amount, the cost sharing/co-pays for services, and your total out of pocket maximum and deductible for medical and pharmacy services.

Name: Your name will be displayed on the Member ID Card. Only the person indicated on the Member ID Card may use this card to obtain services.

Member ID:  This number is unique to you and can be used to create a member profile on our member portal, to make premium payments, and to find out other information such as eligibility status and claims history.

PCP/Clinic: The primary care physician you are assigned to or the clinic you are assigned to. You should visit your primary care physician for all health care needs. Your primary care physician will be able to refer you to a specialist depending on your medical needs.

Medical Group: The medical group you are assigned to. This is the medical group your primary care physician is associated with. When you need to see a specialist, your primary care physician will refer you to a doctor within your assigned medical group.

PCP Visit: The dollar amount you owe when you visit your primary care physician. It also shows your primary care physician’s telephone number.

Rx Information: Your pharmacy/pharmacist needs this information.


Back of Card

L.A. Care Covered Member ID Card Back

Member Services: This is the number you can contact regarding general information such as your enrollment status, current eligibility, premium amount, to make a payment over the phone, and to ask about the health benefits covered under your plan.

Mental Health: This is the number you can contact regarding mental health services such as behavioral, psychological, and emotional health.

Nurse Advice Line: This is the number you can contact if you have questions regarding a non-emergency medical situation or concern. A nurse will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions and offer advice.

Health Education: This is the number you can contact to receive educational information regarding such health conditions as diabetes, asthma, weight loss, pregnancy, or smoking cessation.

The portion of the card that is highlighted in blue is for your doctor.