Refilling Prescriptions: Helpful Tips for Your Patients

August 2017

Your patient should choose a pharmacy that works with L.A. Care. They can search for one using our online Find a Pharmacy tool. Helpful tips for your patients to remember: 

  • Bring their prescription to the pharmacy 
  • Bring their L.A. Care ID card along with ID cards of any other coverage they may have  
  • Make sure the pharmacy has their correct address and phone number 
  • Make sure the pharmacy knows about all medicines (including herbal and over the counter medicines) they are taking and any known allergies 
  • Ask the pharmacist if they have questions about their prescriptions 
  • Refill their prescriptions on time and make sure not to run out of medications for chronic conditions 

Refilling Prescriptions: Helpful Tips for Your Patients

The L.A. Care Formulary 

The L.A. Care Formulary is a preferred list of covered drugs approved by the L.A. Care Health Plan Quality Oversight Committee. The Formulary is updated on a monthly basis. For an updated list of drugs covered by L.A. Care or for the procedures on how drugs may be approved (such as generic medication requirements, step therapy requirements, quantity limits or information needed for an exception) visit our Pharmacy Services webpage.

L.A. Care is proud to announce the addition of two new Specialty Pharmacies to our network: Lumicera Health Solutions effective 8/1/17, and Kroger Specialty Pharmacy effective 9/1/17. Acaria Health Inc., will no longer fill prescriptions for L.A. Care Health Plan members. If you have questions about the pharmacy change, please contact: Navitus Customer Care at 1.844.268.9786. Navitus is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or contact the L.A. Care Health Plan Provider Service Line at 1.866.522.2736, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.